
“Open Dialogue is not a therapy method, but a way of life for all humans from the very beginning of life. We first learn to breathe and to be in dialogue. The main aim in crises is to generate dialogue by accepting
the Other without conditions.” -Jaakko Seikkula


An approach developed in Finland, as a response to uncertain life and mental health experiences, while having
a network - family, friends, mental health peers, professionals - being part of a series of “dialogic meetings.”
It came about as a result of people seeking treatment individually and the outcomes were extremely poor. The
original team began including the person of concern’s network (family/friends) and they began seeing much
better results.

It's not about one person, or focusing on a person’s symptoms, but more about responding to the needs of
the network, while working to collaboratively understand the concerns, of each person, and what is needed
to get through the difficult period together.

Open Dialogue supports families and networks “being with” one another, not “about” one person, while
having an emphasis on listening and responding to each other, especially those who are under distress or
have been silenced due to an emotional experience or family situation. The co-facilitated meetings, which
includes 2 practitioners, provide a thoughtful and respectful space for unspeakable dilemmas, listening and
responding equally to the different perspectives and reflections of all those involved in the meeting(s).
This is referred to polyphony or multi-voicedness. This transparent, non-judgemental, and egalitarian
approach supports people feeling heard and provides a greater understanding for one another, as well as a
sense of direction and possible next steps. Dialogic meetings have the potential to bring about new ideas,
and different conversations, from those previously discussed or gone unspoken. 

In addition to offering family dialogic meetings, if you are a group or organization interested in an
Intro to Open Dialogue training, or consultation, please feel free to contact me.