I offer an initial 15-20 minute video or phone call at no charge.


Do you accept insurance?
I do not accept insurance. For those who have PPO / Out-of-Network benefits, I provide statements with insurance codes for reimbursement. For instance, the individual/couple/family pays me directly (following our meeting) and submits my invoice/statement to insurance for reimbursement.

How do I know if I have PPO / Out-of-Network benefits?
To better understand if you have these benefits please contact your Health Insurance Provider with the following questions:

  • Do I have out-of-network coverage for mental health/psychotherapy benefits?

  • Is there a limit to the amount of sessions? If so, can I extend if needed?

  • Do I have a deductible?

  • Is a diagnosis code required?

  • Does reimbursement cover in-person and Telehealth meetings?

  • At what amount will insurance cover my out-of-network therapy sessions
    for the following insurance procedure code(s):
    - Code 90837 - Individual Psychotherapy
    - Code 90847 - Couples/Family Psychotherapy

What rate do you charge for office and telehealth meetings?

  • $195 Individual (up to 60 min mtg)

  • $235 Couples & Families (up to 60 min mtg)

  • $400 Open Dialogue (includes 2 therapists co-facilitating up to 60 min mtg)

  • $200 Coaching/Mentoring on Money, Relationships, & Communication
    (up to 60 min mtg)

Will you adjust your rate if it's out of my budget?
Yes, I am happy to discuss further. I do my best to work within one’s budget.

Why aren’t you part of any in-network insurance panels?
There are several reasons why I’m choosing not to be part of in-network insurance.

  • Insurance often limits the approved amount of sessions, not based on need,
    but what they consider medical necessity before approving additional sessions.

  • Insurance has the right to audit in-network therapists allowing them to review
    session notes.

  • They often require a psychiatric diagnosis, which is part of one's medical record.

  • Confidentiality and choice of therapist can be an issue with insurance plans.

  • I don’t see my values and approach aligning with managed care regulations.

What types of payment do you accept?
Cash, check, or E-transfer.

Can I use my Health Savings Account through work?
It may be an option, but you would have to confirm with your human resources dept.

Please feel free to contact me for more information.